Brooklyn Property provides insurance solutions for a wide range of Australian businesses.

Brooklyn can write to the Australian market standard Property wordings.
Minimum Sums Insured:
Limits Available:
Brooklyn can participate on programs with Policy Limits up to, but not exceeding $100,000,000
Geographical scope:
Australia wide only
Minimum underwriting Information required:
- Quote slip
- Asset schedule
- Current risk reports or detailed COPE information depending on nature of risk
- 5-year claims history
Preferred Industries:
Brooklyn can provide solutions for businesses across a vast number of industries, including but not limited to retail, health services, financial services, education, manufacturing, engineering and wholesale trades. Brooklyn Underwriting is wholly owned by AXA XL, which allows us to provide solutions for traditional low hazard businesses as well as harder to place risks, which is quite distinct from underwriting agency markets and enables us to cover a broader cross section of industries.
Brooklyn places great emphasis on risk management, our capacity will be only deployed to businesses that demonstrate a strong commitment to risk mitigation practices.
* Ports/Wharfs
* Water Transportation Services
* Certain types of Chemical manufacturing
* Petroleum & Coal Products manufacturing
* Oil & Gas industries
Contact the Property Team
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